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    Selling in the Now

    There is no doubt that business development today is a whole new ball game. Buyers have changed, how we get our information has changed and pure sales training has taken a backseat to finding prospective customers. Gone are the days when sales people were invited in to educate and bring up to date information to prospective buyers. That was the era of “Want more sales, just talk to more people.” Little attention was even placed on if they were the right profile for our products. Just work harder and make it up with volume was the pathway to success.

    Today the internet has replaced the salesperson’s role as information provider. It has opened the flow of available information but has almost eliminated cold calls. It has made the do-it-yourself buyer more independent and inaccessible. The need for products and services hasn’t changed but the dependence on a salesperson surely has changed. So how do we sell today? How do we sell in the now?

    The answer is locked away in three disciplines. All are interrelated and must work in unison. The three disciplines or keys to business development and successfully “selling in the now” are:

    1. Identifying and finding the ideal customer profile for your product or service.
    2. Implementing the right strategy to drive that prospect to you.
    3. Know how to nurture that prospect through the buying cycle.

    Using this holistic methodology with an integrated plan is how to Sell in the Now. You can be the best salesperson that walked the earth however, you can’t sell to an empty chair. You can fill seats but if they are the wrong prospects and have no need for your products or services, it’s another “No Sale.” And what happens when the right prospect finds his way to your door but the sales force doesn’t have a clue how to guide today’s prospect to a close?

    This leaves us vulnerable to chasing after the latest sales idea or gimmick randomly with all the logic of, “Let’s try this.” Looking for that silver bullet that must work because it’s in fashion. We jump from one thing to another more like 4-year-olds playing soccer than an integrated team approach. We have in all of us the natural ability to uncover and execute, not a magic silver bullet, but a process to get on track and stay on track. This is where The 180 Rule for Business Development comes in.

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    The 180 Rule Summary Description

    Did you ever wonder why, when a new idea or concept is introduced, there is always an abundance of negative or discouraging feedback? Just mention an idea for a new business or a plan to move your life in a new direction and it’s as if out of the woodwork, people respond with a barrage of reasons why your new endeavor will never work. It’s almost as if they were given a preview of your thoughts and assigned a mission to put together a plan to instantly sabotage your dreams.

    The 180 Rule is a methodology that embraces this reality and puts it to work in both your business and personal lives. Commitment and engagement are achieved easily because there are no obstacles to overcome. Using the 180 Rule to achieve results actually uses our natural tendencies and abilities. Its principals are based on scientific studies of how and why we operate as humans and how we can take advantage of self-sabotaging thoughts. The 180 Rule, although simplistic in process, delivers exceptional results from the awareness of problems to successful solutions. It’s time to stop retraining and fighting our natural behaviors in an effort to be successful, but rather use that power we all have within.

    Before we dismiss this as just the product of other people’s discouraging or toxic leanings, consider that it also occurs within our own minds. Many courses of action have been abandoned within our own thinking as we ourselves create a mental list of reasons why we should just forget it and move on. Schools of positive thinking believe we should turn away from such thoughts. But what if they could be directed toward positive actions and results? Where do these thoughts originate and why are they so powerful and common in all of us. This has been the topic of scientific study that first originated back in 1948 and continues today. It is called the Negativity Bias. These studies set out to determine why, as humans, we can come up with negative thoughts with greater ease than positive ones. Is this a behavior trait that is learned during our development as we grow up or is it a natural tendency that depicts how we are wired as humans?

  • About the Author

    Rich Lucia is the original creator of the 180 Rule and has held many top level executive positions before deciding to “spread the word” to thousands of organizations. Rich gained his solid leadership foundation while in key positions at IBM, Sprint, ExxonMobil, Unisys and Wang Laboratories. In addition, his books and articles have featured the 180 Rule as a center piece for effective problem solving and leadership.

    Rich is a seasoned presenter and consultant who uses these skills to both motivate and help organizations take steps in the implementing ideas and achieving results.

    As a sales strategist, Rich focuses on how selling today is very different from selling in the past. Customers have changed, markets have changed and old techniques just don’t cut it anymore. His Selling in the Now platform points out how a holistic approach, using the 3 keys to business development successfully generates revenue today and has earned him the title of Business Development Expert.

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180 Rule Business Development

In today’s fast-paced business environment there’s a  need to find efficient, successful answers to how to attract and retain sales revenue. The search for answers to getting more business has us chasing the latest “hot thing” rather than adopting a powerful internal methodology to achieve success. New ideas, in and of themselves, are extremely attractive as our desperation fuels a willingness to change something, anything.  All too often, before we reach mastery or even an understanding of a new technique, we are made aware of another newer technique and run to the newer answer much like a team of 4 year olds playing soccer. What if there was a way to tap into our existing tendencies, not only to get on track but to stay on track without a laborious retraining program and the distraction of chasing after the “next hottest thing.” The 180 Rule provides us with a vehicle to tap this innovative methodology that successfully uses a natural phenomenon inherent in all of us. Studies having been going on since early 1948 regarding this behavioral trait called the Negativity Bias. The 180 Rule uses these findings and applies a process that allows us to eagerly work as a team because of the ease of participation. This effective collaborative effort affords us the opportunity not only to come up with viable solutions but also helps keep the mission on track. With participation comes a greater commitment to achieve success. In sports we strive for the natural golf or tennis swing; in business development we have found a business process that successfully utilizes our natural tendencies. The 180 Rule is that process.

My team has successfully used the 180 Rule for the past two years. It was another breakthrough when we used it specifically for business development. It’s almost unbelievable how a concept that is so easy can yield such amazing results.
Bill Archer
Chief Marketing Officer, Frost & Sullivan

The magic of the 180 Rule is that it utilizes our natural abilities. Business development made much more sense when we applied this valuable tool. It is truly amazing how the strategies we had in place were actually sabotaging our mission. The 180 rule got us on track and keeps us on track.
Giulio Santorio
Managing Partner, AveryTeach

My organization was floundering and what was worse we didn’t have a clue how to handle our changing prospects. We started applying the 180 Rule for business development and now we are not only successful at generating consistent revenue but have a clear understanding of our customers and how to keep pace with our market. Bring on more change, we have the 180 Rule, we’re ready for it.
Mark Cohen
Vice President Marketing, TD2 Enterprise

Finding new opportunities to sell our services is more difficult than ever. The number of competitors now, although large, are even outstripped by the number of internet tools that all boast of being the single answer to business development. The 180 rule brought awareness about how and when to use those tools effectively. Using the 180 Rule for Business development has not only been a simple approach but a necessity for our success.
Rick Simmons
Chief Solution Officer, Simmons Online Solutions

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