How To Ebooks

In this blog and the next 2, I will answer some of the frequently asked questions I get on writing, publishing and marketing a book.  This blog covers FAQs on book writing. 1. How long should my book be? Answer:…

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Dan Smith, CEO of Smith Publicity, appeared as the guest on this month’s SkillBites Show, where he shared a number of tips for authors to promote their books: Authors should begin promoting their books as early as possible, and should…

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Did you know that one out of every six adults in the US suffers from chronic headaches? It’s hard to get things done and enjoy life when you’ve got constant headache pain. SkillBites is pleased to announce its most recent…

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It would be wonderful if every prospect could be converted into a customer, but things just don’t work that way.  It can take hundreds of leads to get a handful of customers.  The struggle for business owners is finding a…

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There are many reasons why so many business owners are writing eBooks to demonstrate their authority and establish their expertise. Since 2011, has noted that eBooks are selling more copies than physical books, which shows how much eBook readership…

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In their eagerness to share their wisdom, writers of eBooks to help others develop skills commonly find themselves with the urge to jump from topic to topic while they write. Although this random discussion may seem like an orderly way…

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As you venture into the realm of eBook publishing, you will find yourself writing in detail about all manner of topics and their importance to your industry as a whole. As you work your way into certain smaller topics and…

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As you begin on your journey to become one of the eBook publishers here at SkillBites, you should always keep in mind what other authors have written before you begin writing. While you can repeat a topic that someone else…

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Before you jump in and start writing eBooks about developing skills to publish here at SkillBites, you need to think about your future eBook publishing projects as well. Eager authors sometimes don’t think, and provide their readers with a general…

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