Using Radio to Boost Your Book and Your Reputation

Sue Rocco, host of the radio show Women to Watch™, shared some valuable tips on getting radio interviews and exploiting those interviews in the December SkillBites Show. Book authors know that they need to use multiple platforms to get the word out about their expertise. Having a published book is a great vehicle, but the more platforms you utilize, the more likely that people will hear and remember who you are. Radio, podcasting, news articles and press releases, social media and TV are some of the other avenues to explore.

How do you decide which radio show to target? Look for radio shows that host programs that would be beneficial for your target market. Also try to obtain data about the show, such as the general size of the audience for the show. If your book and services are targeted at women in the 35 – 55 age bracket who are leaders and executives in the Philadelphia area, then Women to Watch might be a good fit for you. For more information about getting on Women to Watch, go to or email Sue Rocco at or call her at 215-313-5561.

When you have identified the radio show you want to be on, approach the person you want to be interviewed by. Always start at the top, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. The worst that can happen is you don’t get the interview; but you can’t get it unless you ask, and if they say no, then ask them if they can refer you to another radio show host that might be suitable for you.

When you land a radio interview, make sure you are prepared for it. Listen to some of the shows from the station. Think about how you can relate your story, and what lessons you have to pass on. Be personable. Identify a few questions you want to be asked. Plan to mention your book and where people can purchase it. Is there something you can give away – maybe a free consultation or eBook if someone contacts you?

Also, plan in advance how you will use the interview. Get the word out on social media in advance of the interview and provide the details of when and how to listen to your show. Post the information on your website. After the show, provide a link to the interview on your website and on social media. Design a follow-up campaign to nurture any of the prospects who take you up on your free consultation or other offer.

It may be hard to know exactly what business results from your radio appearances. Often prospects don’t remember how they heard of you. Just remember that the more ways your name is out there, the more likely that people will hear of you. Radio is one of a number of options you should try.

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