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Going Back to Basics

Would you like your life to be easier? Would you like more time for the things that matter to you most, like family, friends, travel, and your dreams? Are you ready to learn how to improve the quality of your life? In this book, you will be shown simple, yet profound changes you can make immediately to relieve yourself of stress, anxiety and burden. The author of the best-selling book, Doing Less & Having More, (seen on Oprah) Marcia Wieder, CEO of Dream University offers a creative and easy to use approach for taking control of your life once and for all.

This book includes:

  1. The Power of the Basics
  2. Hearing Wake-Up Calls
  3. Designing Daily Practices
  4. Using Critical Check-Ins
  5. Completing Incompletions
  6. Building Real Relationships

If you are tired of the rat race, the stress caused by watching CNN and feeling like you are living someone else’s life, learn powerful secrets to help you relax, be more productive and give you greater peace of mind. You can take control of your life with six simple yet powerful steps.


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Finding Your Dream

Are you tired, bored or have you lost your motivation? Do you know what you want, how you want your life to be or what would make you really happy? Do you know what your dreams are or are you in need of a new direction and change? What has being “overly” realistic cost you? It’s been medically proven that people with passion and dreams live 7-10 years longer than those just going through the motions. The author of the best-selling book, Making Your Dreams Come True (seen on Oprah) Marcia Wieder, CEO of Dream University offers a tried and true method for finding and achieving your personal or professional dreams. Whether you have a specific dream or are ready to make a change, this program provides both the inspiration and practical tools to help you take action today.

This book includes:

  1. Quality of Life
  2. Recognizing Your Dream
  3. The Death of a Dream
  4. Identity: Being You with You
  5. From Dreamless to Destiny
  6. Discovering a Deeper Place
  7. Your Typical Day
  8. Your Ideal Day
  9. Prime Time 10. Your Ease Meter
  10. Passion Pulse
  11. Five Rechargers
  12. Creating Your Daily Practice
  13. Personal Pause Strategies
  14. Five Things in Five Minutes

No dream is too big or too small. The question is, what’s important to you and what are you willing to do to make it happen. Marcia makes it easy by giving you step by step guidance to ensure your success. This process offers tremendous value since it works on any dream. Use it again and again on new, different or multiple dreams.


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Energize Your Mind

What if there was a sure-fire way you could feel more confident and powerful rapidly—would you be interested? Have you ever wanted to change a habit pattern but were just stuck? Would it be helpful to know how to build unshakable belief in yourself? Beginning today you can do all this and much more. Dr. Larry Iverson has successfully assisted thousands in this growth process over the last 30 years. These strategies can help you feel great while boosting your self-esteem and gaining greater self-confidence.

  • How to break through barriers stopping you from feeling great that also keep you from living the life you want.
  • Learn the essential ingredients required to build greater success.
  • Know how to overcome discomfort and worry so you reach your goals easier.
  • Gain methods for controlling your run-away brain.
  • Learn how to trigger emotions that launch your energy, power and confidence.


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Embracing Change

Change is inevitable. When change occurs it happens on two levels, both of which can be tough to handle. Resistance to change through procrastinating, or trying to sidestep what’s occurring, is absolutely normal. Would you like to learn a way to rapidly control your mental and emotional reactions when stressed or when change hits? Would you like to know a strategy to better handle other people’s negativity toward change? Dr. Iverson will give you strategies for effectively dealing with the rapids of change.

  • Learn the 5 reasons why people automatically resist change
  • What you can do to expand the boundaries of your comfort zone, and how to help team members expand theirs too
  • Learn a tactic used by Special Forces to overcome the fear reaction to change
  • Know how to bring negative mental states under control more quickly
  • Learn a strategy for helping others proactively deal with change.


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eCommerce Start to Finish

Online business ownership has become incredibly popular – and even mainstream. If you want to join the ranks of successful eCommerce entrepreneurs, let Liv Montgomery, the eCommerce Gal be your guide on a fun and fabulous journey. If you want to escape a grueling rush hour and the toil of the workaday world, this comprehensive program will give you all the tips and tricks you need to get started building your online money machine. The eCommerce Gal takes you by the hand, step-by-step, through Website Development, SEO, Traffic and Conversion. Don’t wait another day to reach your dreams of online business success!


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