Developing Skills

Businesses can’t survive without sales; yet many small business owners who have significant expertise in their field have limited sales skills. In this month’s SkillBites Show, our guest, Chris Spurvey, provided some simple tactics to help attract opportunities and improve…
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In last week’s blog, I answered several FAQs concerning book writing. This blog covers FAQs concerning book publication. 1. After my book is written, what comes next? Answer: There are several steps needed before your book can be published….
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In this blog and the next 2, I will answer some of the frequently asked questions I get on writing, publishing and marketing a book. This blog covers FAQs on book writing. 1. How long should my book be? Answer:…
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What do most people do today when they are considering buying from another company? They search online to read about the company. Google gives high ranking to LinkedIn, resulting in LinkedIn profiles coming up high when searches are done in…
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Influence is a hot topic. Dale Carnegie was probably not the first author of a book on influence, but his book How to Win Friends and Influence People may be the best known book on that topic. Being able to…
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Cathleen Fillmore was terrified the first time she was invited to speak at a conference. While she is no longer terrified, she admits that she is nervous virtually every time she speaks, and she has given hundreds of speeches. Being…
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One of the hardest parts of running a business is maintaining a steady flow of prospects and customers. It can take a lot of time and effort to connect with enough of the right people to achieve that steady flow,…
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Did you know that audio books outsell eBooks by 3 to 1? According to Tina Dietz, world class audiobook publisher, sales of audio books have experienced a meteoric rise in the past several years, with over 20% growth year over…
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Pay Per Click Campaigns (PPC) have the potential for a return of double or triple your investment, if they are done right; but to do the campaign right takes a lot of trial and error, and time. Len Morley, CEO…
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