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With an increasing number of Spas entering the market and with businesses in general closing their doors in droves these days, taking responsibility for the marketing of your Spa is more important than ever.

The problem is that most Spa owners don’t specialize in marketing. If you did, you probably would have opened a marketing business, right? So, how do you know what methods are best? Which ones will work and which ones won’t?

If you don’t market right, you risk losing a lot of money, time and effort, not to mention losing your business altogether. It is fortunate you found this book because with it comes clarity, solutions and effective plans of action. You’re about to learn how to use no-cost and low-cost methods to grow your Spa to where you want it to be. You’ll learn to think like a Guerrilla, so you can get your business in the front line and be in control of your profits and successes.

The Essence of Guerrilla Marketing

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Marketing is every single correspondence any part of your business has with any part of the public. Every impression you make and every interaction you have with the public is marketing you in one way or another. At the essence of Guerrilla marketing are unconventional tactics that substitute time, energy and imagination for money.

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