Ready As A Girl Scout
Let’s start with a list of items that you should maintain in your car, just in case something goes wrong. You’re probably going to get about halfway through this section and think that someone’s been driving the paranoid express. I promise you that at one time or another, you are going to need some if not all of the things on this list.
Flashlight & Extra Batteries
You know you’ve thought about breaking down in the middle of the night on a dark, country road. What a difference a good flashlight makes!
Cell Phone & Charger
You could try smoke signals or carrier pigeon, but I always go for the cell phone. Get in the habit of making sure it’s charged. When you need a tow truck, the police or a family member, everyone loves a charged cell and hopefully a signal!
Non-Perishable Food & Water
If you get stuck in the snow or spin off the road, your stomach doesn’t know the difference. Your kids and their stomachs won’t even know anything is wrong…except that there’s no food. You should really carry at least some water and a granola bar.
When you’re changing a tire in the dark, a good set of flares will slow traffic, which keeps you much safer. Have you ever searched YouTube for “guy gets hit while changing tire?” Yeah, get some flares. The funny thing is that most drivers don’t think about your safety, until it’s too late. They just think that your flares are cops up ahead, and that slows them right down!
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