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Pregnancy Nutrition: Action Steps to Ensure a Healthy Child Part II

Are You Expecting?

Find Out Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy and Nutrition Without Having to Buy a Dictionary!

There is no time in your child’s life that nutrition is going to be as important as it is right now, when it hasn’t even drawn its first breath. Proper nutrition and good health are a vital part of having a healthy pregnancy, preventing many major birth defects and decreasing your chance of delivering a premature or low birth weight baby.

Since your baby is obviously incapable of eating by itself at this point in time they are going to get all of the nutrients they need to grow and develop properly from the foods that you eat. During your pregnancy, the nutrients that you take in are going to have to sustain both your health and that of your fetus, so it’s essential that you make sure you’re getting enough of the necessary vitamins and minerals for both of you.

Your Prenatal Vitamins Aren’t Enough!
Many women read the section above and think, ‘I’m taking my prenatal vitamins like my physician told me, and I’m trying to eat healthy. Do I still have to worry about my nutrition?’ The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY. Prenatal vitamins help, but there is no substitute for proper nutrition during the gestation period. There is a reason that prenatal vitamins are called nutritional supplements. On their own they’re not sufficient to ensure that your baby grows and develops properly. That’s why it’s vital that you understand what you need to do during your pregnancy to keep both you and your baby healthy.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide….

Part I:

  • What vitamins and nutrients you need to keep you both healthy
  • What foods to eat to get those vitamins and nutrients
  • What foods you should stay away from

Part II

  • How much to eat and when to eat
  • What to do when you can’t follow a regular pregnancy “diet”
  • What exercises to do while pregnant
  • How to lose those pregnancy pounds afterward quickly and painlessly, even if you’re nursing
  • And a lot more!
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