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Small Steps to Slim

Are you a busy mom looking for a simple system that you can get started on right away that makes permanent lifestyle changes achievable? You’ve probably tried it all, whether it’s diets, supplements, shakes, exercise routines, or any number of health, fitness and dieting strategies. You’ve probably lost some weight, but you probably gained it back.

Small Steps to Slim: A Simple No Diet Lifestyle System for Busy Moms provides you with an almost effortless approach to change your lifestyle that is achievable by even the busiest of women. It breaks the process into simple steps so that you don’t feel overwhelmed or frustrated. And it’s a quick read so you can get started today with the program.

Here’s what this book provides:

  • A simple process to overcome your obstacles to weight loss.
  • A book that helps you put an end to quick-fix solutions that don’t work, so that you can focus on making healthy choices that produce lasting results.
  • A means to make lifestyle change a reality in the midst of your busy life.
  • A no-stress, easy-to-follow lifestyle change approach that is highly effective in helping you reach your health goals.
  • A program that puts an end to tedious diets, and helps you make small, realistic changes easily so that you can finally lose weight for good.

Are you ready to start making simple changes that will help you discover a lighter, sexier, healthier you and ignite your weight loss?

What People Are Saying About Small Steps to Slim

I love Ashvini’s book, Small Steps to Slim, because it is realistic, easy and enjoyable. Many moms struggle with weight loss and having a healthy lifestyle. Ashvini’s method allows you to incorporate realistic and workable changes into your life. The worksheets allow you to develop what works for you, and to see what your obstacles and successes are. The book is not based on a trendy diet or quick fix; it is based on making changes to your lifestyle for long-term success.
Heather L. Turner

As a business owner and busy mother of two, the thought of taking control of my own nutrition was overwhelming. Small Steps to Slim’s simple but thorough program made it easy for me to take small, straightforward steps toward achieving my goals. The end result was amazing: I lost weight, I feel great, and I was even able to lower my medication dose for hypothyroidism. I will continue to use this tool in my journey toward health and wellness.
Erin Lievens
Managing Partner

Ashvini’s process is very easy to follow and is a refreshing take on how to achieve lasting results when it comes to weight loss and choosing a healthier lifestyle. (Stop looking for those quick fixes! You’ll just be disappointed!) Once you begin, you’ll start to believe that you can do it – and you can! The principles in Small Steps to Slim can be applied to any life goal that you’re working toward! Commit to yourself, your goals and the process and you will see results.
Sara Rosenberg


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How to Get More of What You Want

How to Get More of What You Want was born from Gary Brunson’s three decades as a business consultant to entrepreneurs. He realized that while his clients came to him with all kinds of situations, a common denominator for many was that getting what they wanted seemed to elude them. With the processes described in this book, Gary has been able to help them get back on track and achieve the satisfaction of actually getting more of what they want. By reading this book, you’ll gain the benefit of the questions he uses to guide clients to re-evaluate and reset their thought processes as well as their habitual patterns of relating to others. Then you can make your own action plan to get more of what is most important to you.

I love this book, and I’m fortunate to have the author and his wisdom in my life. Gary fortuitously wandered into my world eight years ago at a time when my business and personal life were in a state of upheaval. In that brief exchange, he instantly captured what I was going through and how unhappy I was that I was not getting out of life what was truly important to me. I immediately began working with him both on myself and on my business. Thus began a journey of self-discovery and wonder that continues today. The insights Gary shares in this book have positively impacted how I relate to others in every aspect of my life. Gary gave me the tools to navigate every difficulty and challenge. He truly made a difference in how others, and I myself, perceive who I am in ways that allow me to understand and get what I want out of my life.
Tom Koroch
President and Managing Partner, Elk Components Inc.
Elkhart, Indiana

Gary has walked me through numerous variations of the outline in this book. I have gained insight into my motivations that were not immediately apparent, especially not apparent to me. Working through this process has assisted me in creating practical action plans to address road blocks in my business development. Furthermore, this process has given me valuable insight into the reasons I allowed these road blocks to develop in the first place. The way Gary has used this and other insightful processes has helped my entrepreneurial journey move from reactionary desperation to one of strength and intentional expression.
Jonathan Corbin
Owner, My Tree Climber Inc.
Goshen, Indiana

Gary has been a great guide to me. Be it in dealing with business owners or support staff, he taught me to look at situations from completely new perspectives. As a coach, he showed me the value of questioning techniques and the value of introspection. A discussion with him at any time has made me feel rejuvenated. Each time I have emerged from uncertainty to a point where I could see the end of the tunnel. What I liked the most about working with him is that he always acknowledged my fear first and yet made me see solutions to my apprehensions through discussions with him.
Ray Hunsberger
Vice President of Human Resources, Cardinal Services
Warsaw, Indiana

Gary has been a valuable resource over the past seven years in helping me move my business forward. His experience and approach to business have helped me become more decisive and profitable.
Mike Presnal
President, MCE, Inc.
South Bend, Indiana

As a solo lawyer, I contacted Gary with the desired outcome that my time would no longer be the sole method to support my family. With Gary’s guidance I’ve achieved that. First, he held me accountable to memorialize the systems of my law firm and then benchmark a management employee position. As a result, my company hired my best employee ever. Second, Gary helped me replicate the systems and apply them to two additional businesses we created. Because those systems now clearly communicate my expectations and streamline our processes, those businesses are now adding to my retirement funds as they are managed by my best employee ever.
Michael Metz
Elkhart, Indiana


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Farm to Table for Schools

Farm to table is making its way into restaurants, and is slowly making its way into schools. This movement makes a lot of sense for schools: it provides great publicity and attracts a higher level of student; it exemplifies the lessons on environmental stewardship that the school wants the students to learn; and it provides greater nutritional value in the food being provided. The challenge is to figure out how to implement such a system within the confines of a school system – delivery times, budget, bureaucracy, etc. This book provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement a farm-to-table approach for schools, written by a chef who has implemented farm-to-table systems in many schools.

Chef Budd Cohen’s love for food is deeply rooted in his family. While his grandparents in¬stilled a love of cooking and inspired Budd, today he generously shares his wealth of knowl¬edge so that your children can benefit from recent healthy food movements.
Darryl J. Ford
Head of School, The William Penn Charter School

Budd Cohen has been at the forefront of the movement to transform school food. In our region, he is a leader in promoting the idea that school cafeterias can serve healthy, local and delicious food. I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning how to implement a successful Farm to School program at their school.
Tatiana Garcia-Granados
Common Market Philadelphia, Co-Founder & Executive Director

Chef Budd Cohen has documented one of the most ex¬citing chapters in the Local Foods Movement, helping to ensure a long-term transformation. Farm to Table for Schools adds an inspiring personal story and an instruc¬tion manual for taking action.
Mary Ann Ford
co-founder and co-owner of Harvest Local Foods
Lansdowne, PA


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Eliminate Your Headaches

This book provides a convenient, easy to read holistic guide on natural ways to eliminate headaches quickly. It discusses a variety of treatments because no one treatment works to eliminate headaches for everybody.

Dr. Anderson begins with a review of the common misconceptions about headache treatments and look at why most people get headaches. Included is an overview of some headache triggers that are common in our everyday diet as well as the harmful effects of conventional medicine commonly used for headache relief.

The book addresses headache relief from different disciplines, including chiropractic care, diet and nutrition and stress management. As a chiropractor, one of the most common complaints that Dr. Anderson sees in his office is neck pain that is associated with a headache. The single common denominator with this type of symptom is a condition known as Forward Head Posture. Over the past 10 years this has become an epidemic, probably due to technology, the use of computers, texting and simply bad posture. Even children as young as 10 years old with complaints of neck pain and headaches have been brought in with Forward Head Posture, mainly due to excessive use of computer games. Dr. Anderson discusses the efficacy of chiropractic adjustments and how posture, body positions and traction tools can alleviate this condition.

Next he covers dietary changes that can help reduce headaches. Some people can have allergic reactions to certain foods that are very subtle but can cause a headache. Dr. Anderson recommends a gluten-free, paleo diet; that is, you can eat meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens, regional vegetables and seeds – no wheat, rye or barley, and only whole unprocessed foods.

He also discusses supplements that have shown to offer a natural solution to the treatment of headaches such as magnesium, riboflavin, CQ10 and Butterbur. The exact doses and how they work are explained in further detail in the book.

As you can see this is an overall approach that covers many areas. This information is not only safe and natural but effective in reducing if not totally eliminating your headaches in less than 30 days!

I have referred patients to Dr. Anderson with forward head posture and headaches. His treatment along with information in the book has been invaluable and has shown great results.
Dr. David Qu
MD, Highpoint Pain & Rehabilitation Physicians PC
Chalfont, PA

The information that Dr. Anderson provides in this book is very helpful in eliminating the cause of many types of headaches. I highly recommend it for the lay person and professional alike!
Dr. Daniel Skubick
MD, The Neurologic Group of Bucks/Montgomery County, LLP
North Wales, PA

I recommend this book to all of my patients as a common sense approach to preventing neck pain and headaches. I see Dr. Anderson myself as a patient and have received tremendous results.
Dr. Jennifer O’Connor
MD, Grand View Medical Practices
Chalfont, PA


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Get Past the Obvious

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, there are many obvious things that are clamoring for your attention: get clients, do the work, pay the bills, etc. But what about the less obvious? From being in business for over 14 years, we believe that it is vital to get past the obvious and address the hidden nuances, problems, and attitudes that can derail you – whether you are a start-up or you’ve been in business for 10 years, whether you are the CEO, CFO or a manager in Human Resources or Purchasing.

This book will increase your awareness in four key areas of business development, giving you a realistic foundation to promote long-term profitability. We know the power of these “less than obvious” issues, because we have been through them all – and have come out the other side with our businesses stronger than ever. You’ll learn:

  • Five factors that can destroy your business if not addressed;
  • Five strategies that will enable you to hire the best workforce;
  • Five highly dysfunctional decision-making behaviors that all small business owners, managers, directors and coaches should be aware of – and avoid; and
  • Five techniques that can help you achieve a true, healthy work-life balance.

It’s time for real talk about real issues – so you can discover real solutions.

I found this quick read to be relevant and insightful, certainly worth the time for any small business owners. It proved to be that gentle reminder that the obvious is not always quite so obvious in the demanding world of an entrepreneur.
Marneta House
CFO & Co-Owner of Futureage Enterprises
Inc., Palmdale, CA

This book is a blessing. The chapter on the Five Essential Strategies for hiring the Best Workforce is not only interesting to read, but I firmly believe that it would save many small businesses from making some serious mistakes and lead them to success and wealth. Every new business owner should share this book with their hiring managers and human resources team. The strategies discussed in the book will enable any business owner who implements them to build an awesome workforce and bring control and success to their business.
Elease Minor
CEO Important Details Inc., Vallejo CA

I read Get Past The Obvious and found it to be a very easy read with a reminder of the “less obvious”. Having been in business for over 15 years, I had “hidden nuances” that needed to be addressed. The book increased my awareness of certain issues. This book will definitely help many with their business development.
Bridget Smith
CEO & Founder, Short Cutz by Bridget,
Emeryville, CA

What an amazing book I found it to be. The book was a quick read, clear and easy to follow. Having been a business owner, I could definitely relate to the nuances that we all fall prey to when running a business. I saw myself repeatedly in the book from not understanding my finances to working in the business instead of on the business. I would highly recommend this book to my colleagues who have stepped into the world of entrepreneurship. Thanks for your insight and candidness.
Joyce Redd
Employment Manager, Alameda County
Behavioral Vocational Program, Alameda CA

The saying “Good things come in small packages” is the first thing that came to mind after reading Get Past the Obvious! This book has great insight on what is needed not only for business proprietors, but also for directors and managers in the day-to-day operations of an organization. Its strategies surrounding “work-life balance” will now hang over my desk. Thanks, Garnett and Kay, for the invaluable information.
A. Renee Daniels
TPMG Service Manager East Bay Area
Oakland, CA


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