Dramatically Increase Your Referrals
Naturally get people talking about you in the best way possible by Creating Your Know, Like & Trust Factor
If you are like most solo entrepreneurs each day you are faced with having multiple conversations to promote yourself or your business. Communication is pivotal whether it is to an already existing customer or a prospective client. Providing an excellent product or service is only the beginning. Distinguishing ourselves from the field of others is crucial. This does not guarantee that people will be talking about you, your service or product. This SkillBite will give you the opportunity to develop communication skills to have people raving about you in the best way possible and sending you referrals. In particular, this SkillBite covers how people decide whom they will like.
You will discover that we all experience reality in our own unique way. If you want to understand things that make a big difference in how you make a positive impression, you will want to learn these skills. I will be giving you the specific questions that will help you make a lasting impression and have people talking about you in the best way possible. You will also learn how easy it is to become the credible person who can solve their problem. We will take a few of the time tested practices and techniques of Neuro-linguistic Programing (NLP) to help you develop your Know, Like & Trust Factor. It is so much easier than you think. Everything you learn can be put into practice immediately.
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