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Audio for eCommerce – Using Sound to Boost Your Business

You may be asking, “Why do I need audio on my website?” Without a doubt, audio is the most versatile tool you can use to promote your online business. Since the early days of radio when listeners were treated to the adventures of the Lone Ranger and Silver, audio has allowed us to take a sneak peak into the lives of our favorite people. Whether you’re promoting a product or simply trying to put across a new idea, Audio has the power to transport the listener to another world.

If your website or blog is silent, you’re leaving money on the table!

More and more online marketers and business owners are recognizing the tremendous benefits of incorporating audio into their online marketing strategy. Multimedia more easily and effectively captivates your audience and grab’s the attention of your prospects, visitors, subscribers and customers. Time and time again research has shown that using multimedia increases conversation rates, buy rates, as well as subscription rates for a product or service. And I’m not sure, but I think the introduction to this program might have made my point about the power of audio.

As an online marketer, here’s something to keep in mind. Without media your site appears static to the visitor. Your prospect is coming to your site after seeing hundreds of other sites, and they include media. Savvy Internet Marketers know this and they’re making the most of the technology available today – in many cases for free. For example sound equipment that used to cost thousands of dollars and required an engineering degree to operate has been replaced by multi-track audio production software that you can download from the Internet right now for free, and it doesn’t take a 4-year degree to use it. The sample on my program Audio For eCommerce was produced with nothing more than a quality microphone, some open source software called Audacity, and a handful of free sound effects I downloaded from the Internet.

Now, what you may not know about me as the eCommerce Gal is that I enjoyed a privileged career in the audio industry in New York as well as San Francisco some years back. You can read more about that part of my background at Liv Montgomery.com, if you’re interested. The point is, I know how to create world class audio productions, whether we’re talking about Top 40 music, radio production, or sound design for children’s software.

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