Last time, we brought you the exciting news about SkillBites’ newest service, SkillBites Express. With this new service, you can go from business owner to published author in as few as 60 days – and today we’re going to tell you how.
After you sign up, you’ll receive a questionnaire and a workbook which you will fill out to give us the details we will need to get started. Next comes a one-on-one phone conversation, during which we will flesh out the information in your questionnaire and workbook, and develop a clear image of what you want to say in your book. We’ll then provide you with a draft outline. You give us your feedback and we’ll incorporate that into a final detailed outline that you can use as a foundation upon which to build your book.
If you don’t have the time or inclination to write the book, we’ve got you covered. Our ghostwriting service can have a first draft to you in as little as four weeks (depending on the overall length of your book.) The book will be written in your “voice” and you will have the opportunity to review and modify the draft until you’re satisfied. Then we will get the book published not only on the SkillBites website, but also on Amazon as a print book and eBook.
You can get more information about the SkillBites Express Service here…and don’t forget that the exclusive discount code is still active until August 16th: use the code AugustBlog at checkout to get $100 off the outline service!
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