Learning Skills

“Let me think about it,” says your prospect, or maybe she tells you, “I am not ready yet; call me in a few months.” How do you get those prospects to make a decision? Are there tips that can accelerate…

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You can’t fit more hours in a day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be more productive during the hours that you do have. Ann Jenrette-Thomas, founder of Esquire Coaching, has a system that can make this happen. Imagine it’s…

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We all face stress in our lives, and have had situations where we didn’t handle it very well. Some of us find ourselves in a constant state of anxiety, or we know people who seem to be on edge all…

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Everyone has times when they feel incredibly sharp and productive.  Wouldn’t it be great to have that feeling more often?  If that appeals to you, then read further. You can maintain focus and sharpness, by spending as little as 3…

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Several authors here at SkillBites have websites. You have used these websites over the years to make a name for yourself in your industry. Whatever it is that you personally do, you have helped so many others learn how to…

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As a part of the proofreading services that we offer here at SkillBites, we see a lot of mistakes. Among them is our author’s tendencies to over complicate grammar and diction. Our authors get so caught up in trying to…

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When it comes to creating a title for your book, you need to take the time to make sure the title is relevant and compelling. This is a more important aspect of the book writing process than you might think….

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Part I on choosing the best topic for your book covered identifying your objective, the desired area of expertise you want to share, and identification of your customers’ challenges with respect to that area. This blog will cover keyword searches,…

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Seniors who are living in their own home face an ever growing list of challenges as they continue to age. If left unchecked, the home that sheltered them and their family throughout their life may become a place that hinders…

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