Before you start writing your next eBook, keep in mind the rules about paragraph length, and the fact that different e-reader technologies will make your work appear differently. When you intend to submit your work for eBook publishing, you should always keep these two facts in mind. Failure to observe general rules about paragraph length may result in less than hopeful reviews and poor sales of the eBook you worked so hard on.
What will be the difference between customers who want to buy sequels and those who will leave a bad review? The format that the paragraphs are written in play a major role in satisfying customers, larger than the average eBook writer realizes. Your task as a prospective eBook publishing writer is to produce a how to develop skills style eBook that isn’t a solid wall of text.
Your readers like to see paragraphs that have visible ends when they first start reading them. A paragraph that goes on for three pages is menacing. Your reader needs those paragraph breaks to have a viable stopping point in the text. Because your eBooks are written as presentations of information, these how to develop skills eBooks must allow the reader a chance to stop and digest information.
The paragraph break does exactly that. Your reader comes to the end of a paragraph, and is presented with an opportunity to step away from the text. They can come back to this point easily enough, because the paragraph break gives them a chunk of easily identifiable white space to return to.
In the meantime, your reader is able to work through the information of the paragraph itself. If your paragraph was too long, or presented too many new ideas, your reader will become baffled. He must then go back and re-read the paragraph, making your work more difficult to absorb. For the best results, you should introduce only one new major point per paragraph.
While writing your how to develop skills eBook, you may spend as many paragraphs as are necessary to explain one major key point, but remember that your reader does had an attention span. For best results, try to keep it under five paragraphs on a single main point in your eBook publishing career.
As for the length of the paragraph itself, you don’t want a text wall on any page. Likewise, your paragraphs should never be too short. You should strive for a minimum of three sentences per paragraph, but a maximum of six. A reasonable paragraph is at least three lines long, but should never be more than seven or eight.
By keeping all of these tips in mind, you will be able to produce the quality writing that your eBook publishing career requires. Always remember that your reader is who you are writing for, and keep your paragraph lengths under control. With this advice in mind, your eBook on how to develop skills is sure to please any audience.
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