Sometimes, the ideas for your next eBook can come from the most unusual sources. If you’re at a loss for what topic should be next in your series of lifestyle eBooks, then it’s time to get creative with your creative process. If the ideas won’t come to you, then you must go to the ideas.
Of course, there are the standard methods of brainstorming, and you’ve talked with your friends to try coming up with ideas as well. But nothing so far has worked. Instead of continuing down the dead end path of idea generation that you’ve been on thus far, perhaps what you need is a change of pace to make the ideas flow again. One way to do this is to use a keyword tool to help you generate ideas about your area of expertise.
Keyword tools offer you an amazing set of options for determining the popularity of different topics in your industry. When it comes to eBook publishing, the amount of eBooks you will ultimately sell depend entirely on the popularity of the topic itself. Your business eBooks need to focus on topics that are not only popular with those who work in your industry, but also with the public in general.
It is because of this that using a keyword research tool can help you to stumble on to topics that the general public is looking for information about. When you do a search for Google Keyword Tool, you will find yourself at a website that handles all of the research for you.
To begin, type in your industry, or the topic of the works that you generally use in your eBook publishing results. The keyword tool will generate a series of results based on that entry, and list off not only how much competition exists online for that keyword, but how popular the keyword is in terms of searches for the past month.
It may seem like this information isn’t useful for generating ideas for your business eBooks, but to a critical thinker, it can become a gold mine of information and potential ideas. As you scroll down the page, you will begin to see variations on the word you searched for. As you see these variations, you will begin to get a feel for different ideas that are a part of your industry. When you happen onto a topic, repeat the search with that idea, and see the results that it produces.
Within only a few minutes of using this keyword tool, you will start coming up with ideas for new eBook topics. Granted, the results you are seeing show you the popularity of this topic and the keywords related to it for web pages, and you’ll be writing an eBook instead. But look at it this way: if people are this interested in information from websites, imagine how many will find eBook publishing projects on the same idea appealing.
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