Blog Archives

Best Meditation Style for Beginners

In my opinion, based on my own experience as a meditation workshop facilitator, the very best style for beginners is Guided Meditation. Why guided meditation? Because using a verbally guided meditation greatly supports quieting the mind and expanding awareness, while…

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Strategies and Tactics for Negotiations

There are many types of tactics used in negotiations, usually designed to create tension, intimidate the other side, distract them from their issues or get them to make a hasty decision. Below are some strategies for dealing with tactics or…

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How to Prepare for Meditation

I’ve prepared a quick “Who, what, where, when, and why” for the beginning meditator, in preparing to do their meditation: When is the best time to meditate? Right after you awake, near sunrise, is considered optimal. Your mind is clear…

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When is the best age to start training your puppy?

It used to be that people would wait until the dog was old enough to understand before beginning training. But understand what? Common theory was training should start when the dog is about one year old. Can you imagine if…

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The best way to monetize your Twitter activity is through “indirect marketing.”

Twitter is primarily a social network and people frequent the community to learn more about others who share their interests and passions. They aren’t there looking to buy products or sign up for service offers, so you need to take…

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How to become a SkillBites author

Have you always dreamed of being an author? Do you have expertise in a specific area that could help others? Consider becoming a SkillBites author. Our eBooks are short, practical skill-based resources. If you’ve written a book, or number of…

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Site Update

During the next several weeks, the website will be going through testing. We really appreciate your help in letting us know what works well, what doesn’t, and what is missing that we ought to consider adding. We want to go…

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Welcome to our brand new website! We hope you will take the time to give us some feedback so we can best meet your needs. SkillBites is based on two premises. First, people need to sharpen their skills or learn…

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