Latest Resources

Power of Communication Technology

There are new rules of Communication in this era of technology. When should you use email? Voice mail? Text Messaging? Chat room? Phone conversation? In-person conversation? Your success may depend on the appropriate and effective use of each of these tools. Let this program give you the guidance you need. “Old school” meets “new school” in this engaging audio program, with youth communication expert Scott Thayer. Mike Siegel is one of the nation’s foremost experts in media and communication. He is an author, attorney and nationally syndicated radio talk show host, with a PhD in Rhetoric and Communications. Few others are as uniquely qualified for understanding the nature of human communication, the political system and business positioning.


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Persuasive Presentations

Stand out from the crowd of competitors clamoring for the same business!

This 27-page ebook provides 38 tips to help you focus on the finer points of sales presentations and management presentations. You’ll learn:

  • How to get the get the right people in the room
  • When to stand or sit to best accomplish your purpose
  • When to tell a success story or a failure story to influence a buyer
  • When to use data—and when not
  • How to ask for commitments along the way
  • When to use precise numbers and when to round them off
  • How to identify the best visual support for your message

…and many more tips to improve your presentation skills and bring your listeners to a “”yes”” decision!”


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New Rules for Seasoned Sales Pros

The rules for sales communications are changing rapidly with the adoption of new technology to communicate quickly and globally. This book is a handy business communication resource to communicate clearly, tactfully, and confidently in common sales situations. This series of quick tips is a credible guide to decisive communication, while also serving as a perfect resource for mobile, social media and digital communications on the go. Learn to use your body language to your advantage, similar to how Bill Clinton and Angelina Jolie communicate with their fans. Excellent communication skills are a key factor in most career success stories, and this resource for salespeople will take the guesswork out of how to negotiate with customers.


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Negotiating So Everyone Feels Like a Winner

Develop win-win situations for all parties.

Proposing an idea with colleagues? Negotiating the salary for a new job? Buying a product or service? Learn to negotiate like the pros:

  • Evaluate your position, situation, and offerings.
  • Use appropriate questioning techniques to gather valuable information to formulate your negotiation goals.
  • Structure your negotiation strategies and discussions for best outcomes.
  • Recognize and avoid common pressure tactics.


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Multi-Media & Marketing

More and more online marketers and business owners are recognizing the tremendous benefits of incorporating media into their online marketing strategy. Multimedia more easily and effectively captivates your audience and grab’s the attention of your prospects, visitors, subscribers and customers. Time and time again research has shown that using audio and video increases conversation rates, buy rates, and subscription rates for a product or service. But what if you’re not a Hollywood producer or a technical genius? Well, no worries there – Liv Montgomery, the eCommerce Gal shows you step-by-step how to make the most of multi-media to boost your web presence and turn casual visitors into loyal customers.


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